Hi OpenInfra Europe community,
Earlier today, an update was published on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) by OpenForum Europe [1]. They are touting "major improvements" with regards to how the CRA might be applied to free and open source software, including an agreement to a crucial clarification that “the provision of free and open-source software products with digital elements that are not monetised by their manufacturers is not considered a commercial activity”. This update is fresh and commentary is still coming in, so we do not yet have a full interpretation of exactly how this can impact the landscape, but it appears to be a positive step for FOSS. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary. In the meantime, we encourage all members of our community to stay informed and engaged on this important issue.
Wes Wilson
VP of Operations
OpenInfra Foundation
openinfra.dev <https://openinfra.dev/>
[1] https://openforumeurope.org/eu-cyber-resilience-act-takes-a-leap-forward/