The Foundation Board of Directors met in Hong Kong on Monday November 4th. Almost all of the directors were present in person with a few joining by phone. The agenda was posted on the wiki prior to the meeting: The meeting lasted the full day, and the morning session was used to review new Gold Member applications. After hearing from representatives from each applicant company, the Board discussed the applications at length and voted to approve Aptira, Hitachi and Huawei and new Gold Members of the Foundation. Over lunch, I provided an update on the 3rd quarter activities of the Foundation and the high level priorities for 2014. In 2014, we want to build on the momentum and growth we have seen by creating stronger connections between the various members of the community whether they are developing the software, using OpenStack as cloud operator or cloud end-user, or helping to organize community activities. There are many opportunities to do through the events we support, initiatives like the training marketplace and by helping new members easily find the resources they need to contribute to or deploy the software or engage in whatever way is appropriate. One goal I’m excited about from a Foundation perspective is around working to publish and share the information we have gather from users and the community at large in more ways, including with consumable APIs where possible. We will be talking more about these activities as we head towards 2014 and get some of these programs kicked off. At the end of the session, the Board voted to approve the proposed budget for 2014. In the remainder of the afternoon, the Board discussed the work of several working groups including the core definition group. The Board approved the guiding principles that have been developed through the community meetings on the topic this year and created a committee to move to the next step of establishing the process for testing and certification around those core concepts. The Board also reviewed and approved the transparency policy ( that has been developed this year. There were also updates from other committees, but I had to step out of the end of the meeting to take care of some Summit business. Other attendees who were present may be able to provide information of the final committee updates. One thing to note is that the Election Committee will be holding a town hall over lunch at the Summit in Hong Kong today from 12:50pm - 1:40pm in the Exhibit Hall Demo Theater. It has been a busy and exciting week in Hong Kong and it’s been great to see many of you here in person. Jonathan