Hi everyone, Yesterday, we hosted the first Board of Directors meeting of the year via conference call. The agenda and some associated documents were posted on the wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/24Jan2017BoardMeeting We've had several changes with the recent Gold and Individual elections as well as changing Platinum Member representatives, resulting in 8 new Board Directors: http://www.openstack.org/foundation/board-of-directors Alan Clark spent time getting the new Board Directors up to speed and educating them on the various committees, working groups and opportunities to get involved. Mark Collier then led an update from the Foundation staff regarding our strategy for the year. The overall message was going back to our roots of what made OpenStack successful early on, which was the right balance and success around what we call the three forces of the platform ecosystem: Software (upstream), Ecosystem (downstream) and Users. We also talked about how we're thinking more broadly about OpenStack as open infrastructure and our vision for the one platform that manage bare metal, VMs and containers on a single network. You can review the attached deck to dive into more details. After that, the compensation committee gave an update on my review from 2016, and the Interop Working Group educated us about the most recent 2017.01 guideline, which they recommended for approval. The documents and changes are available from the agenda wiki link above. Finally, Allison Randal gave an update on the preparation for long-term strategic discussions happening at the next in-person board. We are hoping to schedule a date in March where we can co-locate a meeting between the Board of Directors and Technical Committee to continue fundamental discussions around strategic planning for OpenStack. We had a great turnout of observers from the community yesterday, so thanks to everyone who took the time to attend. As always, please reach out to us if you have any questions or if there's anything we can do to support your efforts in the community. Thanks, Jonathan +1-210-317-2438