Hi everyone, Today the new 2016 Board of Directors was seated during the first phone meeting of the year, and the agenda is posted online: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/26Jan2016BoardMeeting We have quite a few new board members from the Individual and Gold Director elections, so we spent some time with introductions and onboarding. New Board members who introduced themselves include Anni Lai, Kenji Kaneshige, Mark Baker, Manju Ramanathpura, and Allison Randal. The Board noted and was very pleased with the increase in gender and geographical diversity with new representation. Next, Egle Sigler presented an update from the DefCore committee, including a proposed process change and update to the 2016.1 DefCore advisory guidelines for OpenStack Powered product testing, which will include new capabilities from Neutron, Glance and Cinder. The Board also approved a new appointed member to the User Committee, Edgar Magana, who will replace Subbu Allamaraju, and serve alongside Shilla Saebi and Jon Proulx. The Technical Committee has been working to update the community mission statement, and Russell Bryant presented their proposed changes. This spurred a good conversation among the Board about addressing interoperability, end users and continuing to support technologies like bare metal and containers. The conversation is expected to continue on the Foundation mailing list. Thanks for your continued support. We're looking forward to a great 2016 for OpenStack! Jonathan