Hi everyone, The OSF Board of Directors met today. The agenda was posted online[1]. The primary purpose of today’s meeting was confirmation review of two pilot projects: Kata Containers and Zuul. Eric Ernst from the Kata Containers Architecture Committee presented about the project and covered the areas that the Board had approved as guidelines for confirmation[2]. After the presentation[3], the Board had a number of questions for the Kata Containers team. As the questions wrapped up, the Board decided to proceed with a vote on confirmation today and approved it as the first new top-level Open Infrastructure Project in the foundation. Congrats to the Kata Containers team and community! Next, Monty Taylor presented the Zuul project for consideration[4]. Again, the presentation was followed by discussion and a number of questions around the project. In particular the Board spent a lot of time discussing some of the licensing considerations in Zuul as it integrates with other non-Apache licensed projects and code. Several people made proposals about how to handle the approval of the project to take this into account. In the end, everyone agreed to work that out offline and revisit the licensing and confirmation proposals at the next Board meeting. Finally, Alan reviewed the state of updating the provision in the Bylaws around topics that are allowed to be discussed in Executive Session. There’s been a longer thread on the mailing list on this[5], and the Board will continue to review this with a potential vote at an upcoming Board meeting. Thanks to the Kata and Zuul teams for putting together great presentations and taking the time to discuss their progress with the Board! Jonathan 1. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/8April2019BoardMeeting 2. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/OSFProjectConfirmation... 3. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Vil7Px-KyjxrfjO4TT25hKRDb2O02_qmrn4R... 4. https://zuul-ci.org/confirmation/ 5. http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/foundation/2019-April/002740.html