20 Aug
20 Aug
2:03 p.m.
*Athens OpenStack User Group 2nd meeting * Join us on Friday 6th September, 7PM @OpenStack <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack> #OSATH The Athens OpenStack User Group invite you to attend the second meeting for OpenStack in Greece. * Athens OpenStack User Group meeting on Friday 6th of September, 7PM at CoLab Athens, Petraki 28, Syntagma. ** *We will have mist.io <https://mist.io/> presented by Dimitris Moraitis, Mist.io CTO & co-founder. Also, we will have the chance to discuss more the latest developments on the OpenStack project. RSVP via http://www.meetup.com/Athens-OpenStack-User-Group/events/131129272/ More updates via @parathyras @colabathens with my best regards, Thanassis Parathyras