+1 awesome we discuss still in community@lists right? F -- Frans Thamura (曽志胜) Java Champion Shadow Master and Lead Investor Meruvian. Integrated Hypermedia Java Solution Provider. Mobile: +628557888699 Blog: http://blogs.mervpolis.com/roller/flatburger (id) FB: http://www.facebook.com/meruvian TW: http://www.twitter.com/meruvian / @meruvian Website: http://www.meruvian.org "We grow because we share the same belief." On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Gene Kuo <gene@openstack.org> wrote:
Move the discussion into community mailing list.
There are dozens of user groups worldwide an it's nearly an impossible task to read every meetup page, so we would like each user group leaders to fill out the etherpad (https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/usergroup-monthly-newsletter) with what they would like to share in the newsletter. We will really appreciate user group leaders to spend a little time writing a short paragraph or putting a link to the selected meetups.
Gene Kuo
-----Original Message----- From: "Tristan Goode" <tristan@aptira.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:00pm To: "Marton Kiss" <marton.kiss@gmail.com> Cc: "Morales, Victor" <victor.morales@intel.com>, "lương hữu tuấn" <tuantuluong@gmail.com>, "Gary Kevorkian (gkevorki)" <gkevorki@cisco.com>, "Affan Ahmed Syed" <asyed@plumgrid.com>, "Shilla Saebi" <shilla.saebi@gmail.com>, "Namphy, Lisa-Marie" <lnamphy@hpe.com>, "Gene Kuo" <gene@openstack.org>, "Akira Yoshiyama" <akirayoshiyama@gmail.com>, "OpenStack Ambassadors" <ambassadors@lists.openstack.org>, "adam@kili.io" <adam@kili.io>, "sanoousmane@gmail.com" <sanoousmane@gmail.com>, "yusuf.rajah@tactical-devops.io" <yusuf.rajah@tactical-devops.io>, "james@kili.io" <james@kili.io>, "ismail.rachdaoui@gmail.com" <ismail.rachdaoui@gmail.com>, "a.ayoola@gmail.com" <a.ayoola@gmail.com>, "ibnou.toure001@gmail.com" <ibnou.toure001@gmail.com>, "algaphe@gmail.com" <algaphe@gmail.com>, "s.chraigui@gmail.com" <s.chraigui@gmail.com>, "assemjhine@gmail.com" <assemjhine@gmail.com>, "tom@openstack.org" <tom@openstack.org>, "dff.openstack@gmail.com" <dff.openstack@gmail.com>, "yeluaiesec@gmail.com" <yeluaiesec@gmail.com>, "guoyingc@cn.ibm.com" <guoyingc@cn.ibm.com>, "li.kai@99cloud.net" <li.kai@99cloud.net>, "yanheven@gmail.com" <yanheven@gmail.com>, "skywalker.nick@gmail.com" <skywalker.nick@gmail.com>, "zhangni@huawei.com" <zhangni@huawei.com>, "sunnyho@cyberport.hk" <sunnyho@cyberport.hk>, "nmchan@cyberport.com.hk" <nmchan@cyberport.com.hk>, "kavit@aptira.com" <kavit@aptira.com>, "koolhead17@gmail.com" <koolhead17@gmail.com>, "mail2akhtar@gmail.com" <mail2akhtar@gmail.com>, "frans@meruvian.org" <frans@meruvian.org>, "roozbeh.shafiee@gmail.com" <roozbeh.shafiee@gmail.com>, "sharoner@gigaspaces.com" <sharoner@gigaspaces.com>, "natis@gigaspaces.com" <natis@gigaspaces.com>, "hasegawa@bit-isle.co.jp" <hasegawa@bit-isle.co.jp>, "ilyaalekseyev@acm.org" <ilyaalekseyev@acm.org>, "ofateev@mail.ru" <ofateev@mail.ru>, "fenris@ubuntu.com" <fenris@ubuntu.com>, "bruno@catalyst.net.nz" <bruno@catalyst.net.nz>, "andrew@etc.gen.nz" <andrew@etc.gen.nz>, "fawad@plumgrid.com" <fawad@plumgrid.com>, "aunnraza@hotmail.com" <aunnraza@hotmail.com>, "dmc@dungeoninnovations.com" <dmc@dungeoninnovations.com>, "mro@dungeoninnovations.com" <mro@dungeoninnovations.com>, "mac@dungeoninnovations.com" <mac@dungeoninnovations.com>, "radik@tionixlabs.ru" <radik@tionixlabs.ru>, "edmund.quek@hp.com" <edmund.quek@hp.com>, "gang.sungjin@gmail.com" <gang.sungjin@gmail.com>, "bluejay.ahn@gmail.com" <bluejay.ahn@gmail.com>, "skanddh@gmail.com" <skanddh@gmail.com>, "nalee999@gmail.com" <nalee999@gmail.com>, "ianyrchoi@gmail.com" <ianyrchoi@gmail.com>, "vcivelek@gmail.com" <vcivelek@gmail.com>, "syedarmani@ymail.com" <syedarmani@ymail.com>, "hieulq19@gmail.com" <hieulq19@gmail.com>, "son.tran@dtt.vn" <son.tran@dtt.vn>, "giang@dtt.vn" <giang@dtt.vn>, "hoangcx@vn.fujitsu.com" <hoangcx@vn.fujitsu.com>, "hieulq@vn.fujitsu.com" <hieulq@vn.fujitsu.com>, "tcvn1985@gmail.com" <tcvn1985@gmail.com>, "mail@cberendt.net" <mail@cberendt.net>, "christian@berendt.io" <christian@berendt.io>, "karel.striegel@gmail.com" <karel.striegel@gmail.com>, "peter@kangaroot.net" <peter@kangaroot.net>, "info@openstackbg.com" <info@openstackbg.com>, "ilkka.tengvall@iki.fi" <ilkka.tengvall@iki.fi>, "erwan@erwan.com" <erwan@erwan.com>, "adrien@adriencunin.fr" <adrien@adriencunin.fr>, "pierre.freund@osones.com" <pierre.freund@osones.com>, "christophe.sauthier@objectif-libre.com" <christophe.sauthier@objectif-libre.com>, "berendt@b1-systems.de" <berendt@b1-systems.de>, "aparathyras@stackmasters.eu" <aparathyras@stackmasters.eu>, "tim.horgan@cit.ie" <tim.horgan@cit.ie>, "stefano@openstack.org" <stefano@openstack.org>, "miumiento@gmail.com" <miumiento@gmail.com>, "mark.baker@canonical.com" <mark.baker@canonical.com>, "danny.abukalam@codethink.co.uk" <danny.abukalam@codethink.co.uk>, "dgilbert@redhat.com" <dgilbert@redhat.com>, "yfauser@yahoo.de" <yfauser@yahoo.de>, "E.Kessels@fairbanks.nl" <E.Kessels@fairbanks.nl>, "benvegt@gmail.com" <benvegt@gmail.com>, "adrian_moti@yahoo.com" <adrian_moti@yahoo.com>, "office@darioristic.com" <office@darioristic.com>, "alvaro@gnu.org" <alvaro@gnu.org>, "alb.molina@gmail.com" <alb.molina@gmail.com>, "josemhb@gmail.com" <josemhb@gmail.com>, "n.paladi@gmail.com" <n.paladi@gmail.com>, "andy@edmonds.be" <andy@edmonds.be>, "tim.bell@cern.ch" <tim.bell@cern.ch>, "amrita.icclab@gmail.com" <amrita.icclab@gmail.com>, "doug@doughellmann.com" <doug@doughellmann.com>, "msolberg@redhat.com" <msolberg@redhat.com>, "mark@mcclain.xyz" <mark@mcclain.xyz>, "mark.mcclain@gmail.com" <mark.mcclain@gmail.com>, "rw314w@att.com" <rw314w@att.com>, "jean_marie_martini@dell.com" <jean_marie_martini@dell.com>, "rob_hirschfeld@dell.com" <rob_hirschfeld@dell.com>, "chris.williams@alliance-it.com" <chris.williams@alliance-it.com>, "Kamesh_Pemmaraju@Dell.com" <Kamesh_Pemmaraju@dell.com>, "sheila.wong@auro.io" <sheila.wong@auro.io>, "marcos.garcia@enovance.com" <marcos.garcia@enovance.com>, "jonathan.lelous@gmail.com" <jonathan.lelous@gmail.com>, "mgarciam@redhat.com" <mgarciam@redhat.com>, "donnieh@openstackcfl.org" <donnieh@openstackcfl.org>, "ryan.ruscett@gmail.com" <ryan.ruscett@gmail.com>, "shmcfarl@gmail.com" <shmcfarl@gmail.com>, "scott.lowe@scottlowe.org" <scott.lowe@scottlowe.org>, "r.levensalor@cablelabs.com" <r.levensalor@cablelabs.com>, "openstack@medberry.net" <openstack@medberry.net>, "fran.loehmann@gmail.com" <fran.loehmann@gmail.com>, "ruddy.james@gmail.com" <ruddy.james@gmail.com>, "ken.hui@rackspace.com" <ken.hui@rackspace.com>, "Ido@openstack.org" <Ido@openstack.org>, "jfleet@cloud304.com" <jfleet@cloud304.com>, "otto@celera.net" <otto@celera.net>, "benj.mull@gmail.com" <benj.mull@gmail.com>, "melvin.hillsman@rackspace.com" <melvin.hillsman@rackspace.com>, "cbumgardner@gmail.com" <cbumgardner@gmail.com>, "laszewski@gmail.com" <laszewski@gmail.com>, "Orozco, Geronimo" <geronimo.orozco@intel.com>, "kmestery@cisco.com" <kmestery@cisco.com>, "kenhuinyc@gmail.com" <kenhuinyc@gmail.com>, "masa.kawano03@gmail.com" <masa.kawano03@gmail.com>, "markvoelker@gmail.com" <markvoelker@gmail.com>, "Arvind Somya (asomya)" <asomya@cisco.com>, "Shweta Padubidri (shpadubi)" <shpadubi@cisco.com>, "amyhlewis@gmail.com" <amyhlewis@gmail.com>, "pradeep.kilambi@gmail.com" <pradeep.kilambi@gmail.com>, "cloudhollyb@gmail.com" <cloudhollyb@gmail.com>, "ambu87@uw.edu" <ambu87@uw.edu>, "tbritten@us.ibm.com" <tbritten@us.ibm.com>, "epaulrichards@gmail.com" <epaulrichards@gmail.com>, "me@vmtyler.com" <me@vmtyler.com>, "jmplank@gmail.com" <jmplank@gmail.com>, "al_kari@manceps.com" <al_kari@manceps.com>, "richard@raseley.com" <richard@raseley.com>, "doc@aedo.net" <doc@aedo.net>, "john@jhlconsulting.com" <john@jhlconsulting.com>, "seanroberts66@gmail.com" <seanroberts66@gmail.com>, "lnamphy@gmail.com" <lnamphy@gmail.com>, "revens@vmware.com" <revens@vmware.com>, "starlyn.recio@gmail.com" <starlyn.recio@gmail.com>, "me@mark.atwood.name" <me@mark.atwood.name>, "ssmith@mcna.net" <ssmith@mcna.net>, "rangababu@gmail.com" <rangababu@gmail.com>, "trevor.lowing@gmail.com" <trevor.lowing@gmail.com>, "diego@woitasen.com.ar" <diego@woitasen.com.ar>, "marcelodieder@gmail.com" <marcelodieder@gmail.com>, "alfonsodg@gmail.com" <alfonsodg@gmail.com>, "emujicad@gmail.com" <emujicad@gmail.com>, "Matt Jarvis" <matt.jarvis@datacentred.co.uk>, "devon_boatwright@comcast.com" <devon_boatwright@comcast.com>, "Lara, Cesar" <cesar.lara@intel.com> Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Weekly/Monthly Newsletter
+1million to having this conversation on the community ML.
On 14 September 2016 at 04:35, Marton Kiss <marton.kiss@gmail.com> wrote:
Newsletter is a good idea. We also have an openstack-community mailing list which is properly archived, and I hope every user group leader is a member there, so if you are not, please sign up now. I suggest to continue this open discussion there.
Regards, Marton Kiss
On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 4:32 PM Morales, Victor <victor.morales@intel.com> wrote:
Hey there,
A newsletter is a great idea, we run a user group in Guadalajara, Mexico. We meet once a month in a hacker space near of the downtown. We have several channels to communicate and share materials and photos with others, but they’re mainly collected in http://openstackgdl.org/
Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-GDL/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/OpenStackGDL
Regards, Victor Morales
From: lương hữu tuấn Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 9:11 AM To: "Gary Kevorkian (gkevorki)" Cc: Affan Ahmed Syed, Shilla Saebi, "Namphy, Lisa-Marie", Gene Kuo, Akira Yoshiyama, OpenStack Ambassadors, "adam@kili.io", " sanoousmane@gmail.com", "yusuf.rajah@tactical-devops.io", "james@kili.io", "ismail.rachdaoui@gmail.com", "a.ayoola@gmail.com", " ibnou.toure001@gmail.com", "algaphe@gmail.com", "s.chraigui@gmail.com", " assemjhine@gmail.com", "tristan@aptira.com", "tom@openstack.org", " dff.openstack@gmail.com", "yeluaiesec@gmail.com", "guoyingc@cn.ibm.com", "li.kai@99cloud.net", "yanheven@gmail.com", "skywalker.nick@gmail.com", " zhangni@huawei.com", "sunnyho@cyberport.hk", "nmchan@cyberport.com.hk", " kavit@aptira.com", "koolhead17@gmail.com", "mail2akhtar@gmail.com", " frans@meruvian.org", "roozbeh.shafiee@gmail.com", " sharoner@gigaspaces.com", "natis@gigaspaces.com", " hasegawa@bit-isle.co.jp", "ilyaalekseyev@acm.org", "ofateev@mail.ru", " fenris@ubuntu.com", "bruno@catalyst.net.nz", "andrew@etc.gen.nz", " fawad@plumgrid.com", "aunnraza@hotmail.com", "dmc@dungeoninnovations.com", "mro@dungeoninnovations.com", "mac@dungeoninnovations.com", " radik@tionixlabs.ru", "edmund.quek@hp.com", "gang.sungjin@gmail.com", " bluejay.ahn@gmail.com", "skanddh@gmail.com", "nalee999@gmail.com", " ianyrchoi@gmail.com", "vcivelek@gmail.com", "syedarmani@ymail.com", " hieulq19@gmail.com", "son.tran@dtt.vn", "giang@dtt.vn", " hoangcx@vn.fujitsu.com", "hieulq@vn.fujitsu.com", "tcvn1985@gmail.com", " mail@cberendt.net", "christian@berendt.io", "karel.striegel@gmail.com", " peter@kangaroot.net", "info@openstackbg.com", "ilkka.tengvall@iki.fi", " erwan@erwan.com", "adrien@adriencunin.fr", "pierre.freund@osones.com", " christophe.sauthier@objectif-libre.com", "berendt@b1-systems.de", " aparathyras@stackmasters.eu", "marton.kiss@gmail.com", "tim.horgan@cit.ie", "stefano@openstack.org", "miumiento@gmail.com", "mark.baker@canonical.com", "danny.abukalam@codethink.co.uk", "dgilbert@redhat.com", " yfauser@yahoo.de", "E.Kessels@fairbanks.nl", "benvegt@gmail.com", " adrian_moti@yahoo.com", "office@darioristic.com", "alvaro@gnu.org", " alb.molina@gmail.com", "josemhb@gmail.com", "n.paladi@gmail.com", " andy@edmonds.be", "tim.bell@cern.ch", "amrita.icclab@gmail.com", " doug@doughellmann.com", "msolberg@redhat.com", "mark@mcclain.xyz", " mark.mcclain@gmail.com", "rw314w@att.com", "jean_marie_martini@dell.com", "rob_hirschfeld@dell.com", "chris.williams@alliance-it.com", " Kamesh_Pemmaraju@Dell.com", "sheila.wong@auro.io", " marcos.garcia@enovance.com", "jonathan.lelous@gmail.com", " mgarciam@redhat.com", "donnieh@openstackcfl.org", "ryan.ruscett@gmail.com", "shmcfarl@gmail.com", "scott.lowe@scottlowe.org", " r.levensalor@cablelabs.com", "openstack@medberry.net", " fran.loehmann@gmail.com", "ruddy.james@gmail.com", "ken.hui@rackspace.com", "Ido@openstack.org", "jfleet@cloud304.com", "otto@celera.net", " benj.mull@gmail.com", "melvin.hillsman@rackspace.com", " cbumgardner@gmail.com", "laszewski@gmail.com", Victor Morales, Geronimo Orozco, "kmestery@cisco.com", "kenhuinyc@gmail.com", " masa.kawano03@gmail.com", "markvoelker@gmail.com", "Arvind Somya (asomya)", "Shweta Padubidri (shpadubi)", "amyhlewis@gmail.com", " pradeep.kilambi@gmail.com", "cloudhollyb@gmail.com", "ambu87@uw.edu", " tbritten@us.ibm.com", "epaulrichards@gmail.com", "me@vmtyler.com", " jmplank@gmail.com", "al_kari@manceps.com", "richard@raseley.com", " doc@aedo.net", "john@jhlconsulting.com", "seanroberts66@gmail.com", " lnamphy@gmail.com", "revens@vmware.com", "starlyn.recio@gmail.com", " me@mark.atwood.name", "ssmith@mcna.net", "rangababu@gmail.com", " trevor.lowing@gmail.com", "diego@woitasen.com.ar", " marcelodieder@gmail.com", "alfonsodg@gmail.com", "emujicad@gmail.com", Matt Jarvis, "devon_boatwright@comcast.com"
Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Weekly/Monthly Newsletter
We are now running OpenStack Community in Viet Nam. The below link is our meetup information with events, photos, etc.: http://www.meetup.com/VietOpenStack/
Otherwise, newsletter is a good idea. We would like to share what we are doing and also getting information from other communities.
On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Gary Kevorkian (gkevorki) < gkevorki@cisco.com> wrote:
Trying again. Check out our meetup panel if you’re going to be in Barcelona for the Summit…
Gary Kevorkian MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER - EVENTS Marketing and Communications gkevorki@cisco.com Tel: +3237912058 Cisco.com <http://www.cisco.com> Think before you print.This email may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender by reply email and delete all copies of this message. Please click here <http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/index.html> for Company Registration Information.
On 9/13/16, 5:44 AM, "Affan Ahmed Syed" <asyed@plumgrid.com> wrote:
It will be a great idea to have a newsletter. what would be awesome is if some active user group curators can add a small blog like post regarding tips and content.
That will allow those from less active regions to not only understand relevant topics to be abreast with current topics, but also allow them to try true and tested approaches to run user groups.
I run the user group in Pakistan, and our frequency is about 1 every 2 -3 months.
On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 11:18 PM, Shilla Saebi <shilla.saebi@gmail.com> wrote:
I help co-organize the Northern Virginia OpenStack user group, and we meet on average, once a month. We also post pics and video content on our meetup page, and on twitter.
Meetup link: http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-Nova/
Twitter link: https://twitter.com/openstacknova
I think a Newsletter is a wonderful idea, and we'd be happy to share whatever you need. Thank you!
Shilla Saebi
On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 12:08 PM, Namphy, Lisa-Marie <lnamphy@hpe.com
wrote: > > Hi Gene, and all, > > > > This is Lisa. I run the SF Bay Area OpenStack user group/community > meetings, which is a very large user group in a very active area, so >we meet > 2 or sometimes 3 times per month. J I always post pics and video >content on > our www.meetup.com/openstack page on the actual meetup link, so it’s >easy to > scroll back through the calendar and find replays (and pictures) of >whatever > topics look interesting. For instance, our last two meetings were on > Containers and OpenStack. Very popular topic so packed houses, and you >can > find pics and video replays here: Sept 7 and Aug 17. > > > > I think a Newsletter is a great idea. We’ve been running this meetup >for > many years, and happy to share best practices. J > > > > Cheers, > > Lisa > > > > From: Matt Jarvis [mailto:matt.jarvis@datacentred.co.uk] > Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 7:43 AM > To: Gene Kuo <gene@openstack.org> > Cc: Gary Kevorkian (gkevorki) <gkevorki@cisco.com>; Akira Yoshiyama > <akirayoshiyama@gmail.com>; OpenStack Ambassadors > <ambassadors@lists.openstack.org>; adam@kili.io; sanoousmane@gmail.com; > yusuf.rajah@tactical-devops.io; james@kili.io; >ismail.rachdaoui@gmail.com; > a.ayoola@gmail.com; ibnou.toure001@gmail.com; algaphe@gmail.com; > s.chraigui@gmail.com; assemjhine@gmail.com; tristan@aptira.com; > tom@openstack.org; dff.openstack@gmail.com; yeluaiesec@gmail.com; > guoyingc@cn.ibm.com; li.kai@99cloud.net; yanheven@gmail.com; > skywalker.nick@gmail.com; zhangni@huawei.com; sunnyho@cyberport.hk; > nmchan@cyberport.com.hk; kavit@aptira.com; koolhead17@gmail.com; > mail2akhtar@gmail.com; frans@meruvian.org; roozbeh.shafiee@gmail.com ; > sharoner@gigaspaces.com; natis@gigaspaces.com; hasegawa@bit-isle.co.jp; > ilyaalekseyev@acm.org; ofateev@mail.ru; fenris@ubuntu.com; > bruno@catalyst.net.nz; andrew@etc.gen.nz; asyed@plumgrid.com; > fawad@plumgrid.com; aunnraza@hotmail.com; dmc@dungeoninnovations.com ; > mro@dungeoninnovations.com; mac@dungeoninnovations.com; >radik@tionixlabs.ru; > edmund.quek@hp.com; gang.sungjin@gmail.com; bluejay.ahn@gmail.com; > skanddh@gmail.com; nalee999@gmail.com; ianyrchoi@gmail.com; > vcivelek@gmail.com; syedarmani@ymail.com; hieulq19@gmail.com; > son.tran@dtt.vn; giang@dtt.vn; tuantuluong@gmail.com; > hoangcx@vn.fujitsu.com; hieulq@vn.fujitsu.com; tcvn1985@gmail.com; > mail@cberendt.net; christian@berendt.io; karel.striegel@gmail.com; > peter@kangaroot.net; info@openstackbg.com; ilkka.tengvall@iki.fi; > erwan@erwan.com; adrien@adriencunin.fr; pierre.freund@osones.com; > christophe.sauthier@objectif-libre.com; berendt@b1-systems.de; > aparathyras@stackmasters.eu; marton.kiss@gmail.com; tim.horgan@cit.ie; > stefano@openstack.org; miumiento@gmail.com; mark.baker@canonical.com ; > danny.abukalam@codethink.co.uk; dgilbert@redhat.com; yfauser@yahoo.de; > E.Kessels@fairbanks.nl; benvegt@gmail.com; adrian_moti@yahoo.com; > office@darioristic.com; alvaro@gnu.org; alb.molina@gmail.com; > josemhb@gmail.com; n.paladi@gmail.com; andy@edmonds.be; >tim.bell@cern.ch; > amrita.icclab@gmail.com; doug@doughellmann.com; msolberg@redhat.com; > mark@mcclain.xyz; mark.mcclain@gmail.com; rw314w@att.com; > jean_marie_martini@dell.com; rob_hirschfeld@dell.com; > chris.williams@alliance-it.com; Kamesh_Pemmaraju@Dell.com; > sheila.wong@auro.io; marcos.garcia@enovance.com; >jonathan.lelous@gmail.com; > mgarciam@redhat.com; donnieh@openstackcfl.org; ryan.ruscett@gmail.com; > shmcfarl@gmail.com; scott.lowe@scottlowe.org; >r.levensalor@cablelabs.com; > openstack@medberry.net; fran.loehmann@gmail.com; ruddy.james@gmail.com; > ken.hui@rackspace.com; Ido@openstack.org; jfleet@cloud304.com; > otto@celera.net; benj.mull@gmail.com; melvin.hillsman@rackspace.com; > cbumgardner@gmail.com; laszewski@gmail.com; victor.morales@intel.com ; > geronimo.orozco@intel.com; kmestery@cisco.com; kenhuinyc@gmail.com; > masa.kawano03@gmail.com; markvoelker@gmail.com; Arvind Somya (asomya) > <asomya@cisco.com>; Shweta Padubidri (shpadubi) <shpadubi@cisco.com ; > amyhlewis@gmail.com; pradeep.kilambi@gmail.com; shilla.saebi@gmail.com; > cloudhollyb@gmail.com; ambu87@uw.edu; tbritten@us.ibm.com; > epaulrichards@gmail.com; me@vmtyler.com; jmplank@gmail.com; > al_kari@manceps.com; richard@raseley.com; doc@aedo.net; > john@jhlconsulting.com; seanroberts66@gmail.com; lnamphy@gmail.com; >Namphy, > Lisa-Marie <lnamphy@hpe.com>; revens@vmware.com; >starlyn.recio@gmail.com; > me@mark.atwood.name; ssmith@mcna.net; rangababu@gmail.com; > trevor.lowing@gmail.com; diego@woitasen.com.ar; >marcelodieder@gmail.com; > alfonsodg@gmail.com; emujicad@gmail.com > > > Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Weekly/Monthly Newsletter > > > > Mostly this content is already hosted, either at slideshare, meetup >etc. > Embedded linking should work fine. > > > > On 12 September 2016 at 15:03, Gene Kuo <gene@openstack.org> wrote: > > Hi Gary, > > Including pics, videos, and presentation is a great idea! > > I currently can't find a platform that can easy include multimedia >files > with text. So I think we could upload those files to other website >such as > flickr, youtube, slideshare, speckerdeck, etc. and then share the link >to > etherpad. It's probably not the best way but I'm sure it will work. Or > there's other better ways to include those multimedia contents? > > Regards, > > Gene Kuo > > Gary Kevorkian (gkevorki) 於 9/12/2016 1:46 AM 寫道: > > +1 > > Would you also be looking to implement a way for groups to includes > pictures, videos, presentations, etc. Or, is your intention for the > newsletter to be text only? > > > Gary Kevorkian > MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER - EVENTS > Marketing and Communications > gkevorki@cisco.com > Tel: +3237912058 > Cisco.com <http://www.cisco.com> > Think before you print.This email may contain confidential and > privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any > review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly >prohibited. > If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the > recipient), please contact the sender by reply email and delete all >copies > of this message. > Please click here > <http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/index.html> >for > Company Registration Information. > > > > > > > On 9/10/16, 11:22 PM, "Gene Kuo" <gene@openstack.org> wrote: > > Hi User Group Leaders, > > We would like to start compiling a monthly newsletter about user groups > activities worldwide. It will be published on superuser, community > mailing list, and direct email to user groups leaders. > > We hope that the newsletter will help people get involved in local user > communities and also a great way to promote user groups. > > Information will be gather from the bellow etherpad link. > https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/usergroup-monthly-newsletter > Feel free to add any comments to the descriptions and share interesting > activities and meetups held by user groups! > > Best Regards, > > Gene Kuo > > -----Original Message----- > From: "Akira Yoshiyama" <akirayoshiyama@gmail.com> > Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 11:34am > To: "Gene Kuo" <gene@openstack.org> > Cc: "OpenStack Ambassadors" <ambassadors@lists.openstack.org> > Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Weekly/Monthly Newsletter > > Hi Gene, > > Wonderful! I think we should share each community activity but we have > no good tool. A regular newsletter or a blog looks great for it. > So... maybe, we have to consider to use http://superuser.openstack.org >or > not. > > Best, > Akira > > 2016-09-07 21:31 GMT+09:00 Gene Kuo <gene@openstack.org>: > > Hi Everyone, > > I'm Gene and I'm currently working as a community intern in Foundation. > > I would like to gather opinions from ambassadors worldwide about having > a newsletter for user groups in different countries and region. > > Basically, I think it will be great to get quotes from user groups > weekly or monthly and compile a newsletter about all the OpenStack user > groups' hosted activities worldwide. The newsletter may help people > interested in OpenStack getting involve in local user group and also a > great way to promote user groups activities. > > I'm not sure how everyone thinks about compiling newsletters, ideas and > feedback are welcome! > > Also, can the admin of this mailing list add gene@openstack.org into > the subscription list. Thanks a lot! > > Best Regards, > > Gene Kuo > > > _______________________________________________ > Ambassadors mailing list > Ambassadors@lists.openstack.org > http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors > > > > -- > 吉山あきら <akirayoshiyama@gmail.com> > > > > > > > > DataCentred Limited registered in England and Wales no. 05611763