Hi Stefano, Is it stand for the Foundation or just discuss as APAC list? 2013/1/11 Stefano Maffulli <stefano@openstack.org>
On 01/09/2013 09:51 AM, Tim Bell wrote:
Is the aim to provide co-ordination for the OpenStack user groups worldwide ?
That's one of the possible outcomes. The idea is to help user groups get started and continue getting ideas for their meetings. Also, one of the things we want to achieve is to give continuity to the conversations that start at the Design Summit: lots of topics get touched during the summits, blueprints are created but then between the 6 months of the release lots of these fall back into oblivion (it's normal) only to be picked up again after 6 months, with little progress made. One of the ideas thrown around is to start tracking these little discussions/blueprints and keep them hot for topics to spend at meeting/meetup time.
Ryan, JC and I have been putting together the structure for the
OpenStack user committee (as described on the foundation list at http://lists.openstack.org/**pipermail/foundation/2012-** December/001289.html<http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/foundation/2012-December/001289.html> ). As we have collected input from various parties, there is a proposal for part of the committee to consist of user group representatives from different geographies.
I think it's good to 'force' having a representation from other geographical places into the User Committee. We may need to add some formalisation also to the user groups this way.
Cheers, stef
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-- --Ben OSI Individual Member OpenStack Foundation Board Member Co-founder and Leader of China OpenStack User Group( COSUG ) Mobile: +86 15921531026 WEIBO: http://weibo.com/u/1716287123<http://www.weibo.com/u/1716287123?from=profile&wvr=4&loc=infweihao> TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ben_Duyujie LINKEDIN: cn.linkedin.com/in/duyujie