Hi all, It was great to see a passionate discussion around the birthday parties over the past few weeks. It seems that many people cherish the celebration, but don't necessarily need the funds for that specifically. This is a quick follow-up to talk about the funding program available via your Ambassadors ( https://groups.openstack.org/ambassador-program ). At the Foundation, we care about making your user group the best it can be. Part of making a user group sustainable, though it is sometimes a struggle, is making sure you have a roster of local sponsors to deal with the regular meetups. However, sometimes you've got a great idea and want to do something "special", potentially beyond what your regular supporters can fund. Maybe you're running upstream training and need to buy Lego? Or perhaps you need help to get a superstar speaker to your meetup? What about entering an OpenStack booth in a local conference? If you're doing interesting things that need special funding, please contact your ambassador and start a discussion ( https://groups.openstack.org/ambassador-program ) - we'd love to see what you come up with and how we can support it. Regards, Tom