From the last mail-cycle my impression was that it wasn't even clear as who could join and on what premises. Didn't monitor the webpages though... I think it was mostly a matter of people waiting for those types of answers (what can we do? what is allowed? who is going to tell us what is kosher?)... and sometimes, in these situations, it's best for the
On 01/04/2012 05:29 PM, michael hempel wrote: people who are interested to forge ahead and start exploring/testing the boundaries without asking someone to draw those lines for them. Asking for forgiveness rather than begging for permission, etc. :) And as Rick said, without any pressure from the community, the priority level drops dramatically. If people really want it, noise gets attention, generally. -robyn
On 01/05/2012 01:25 AM, Rick Clark wrote:
I think some community pressure is in order. After the initial PR bump of the announcement, perhaps the pressure is a bit low. I really hope that this is more than a PR.
I have been surprised how many people think a foundation already exists.
Perhaps we can make some suggestions.
I suggest that as of the next election cycle, all of the PPB is elected, including the Chair.
On 01/04/2012 06:19 PM, Cole Crawford wrote:
Hey Jan!
Hope that's not the case. That would be a sad day for Openstack!!
From: Jan Drake<<>> Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 16:18:04 -0800 To:<<>> Cc:<<>>,<<>>
Subject: Re: [OpenStack Foundation] OpenStack Mission& Goals
So, no messages since October. Rumor has it the effort is dead or indefinitely delayed... what's the deal?
From:<> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 09:18:46 -0700 To: sandy.walsh@RACKSPACE.COM<mailto:sandy.walsh@RACKSPACE.COM> CC:<> Subject: Re: [OpenStack Foundation] OpenStack Mission& Goals
On Oct 20, 2011, at 9:49 AM, Sandy Walsh<sandy.walsh@RACKSPACE.COM<mailto:sandy.walsh@RACKSPACE.COM>> wrote:
How can you decide if you want to join a foundation if you don't know what it stands for?
---- I think a discussion about what OpenStack is and isn't should definitely be had before the Foundation is set up. Otherwise, I imagine people will view the Foundation as being some sort of Wild West land grab, where companies are trying to shape what OpenStack is by fiat or by trying to buy control.
Just a thought, -jay _______________________________________________ Foundation mailing list<> This email may include confidential information. If you received it in error, please delete it.
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