Jan Drake wrote:
Added the general list because this needs awareness.
I think the idea that commuity pressure should be required is bullshit. That's a weakness of the leaders of the community. They don't get off the hook because the community isn't yammering at them... otherwise we'd vote on every damned thing (maybe we should rather than having "elected" leaders?). A commitment to open discussion and discourse that doesnt get followed through by the leaders whom commit to it is essentially a betrayal to the community. No different than being elected to congress and ignoring the promises to the people and the fact you're in the position with the responsibility to help all of them.
When it is a private organization committing to transition to a foundation and there is no accountability or transparency it is tragically reminiscent of third world regimes alleging their transition to democracy.
So, what's the truth, oh transitional leaders? Where's the schedule? Where's the "open communication and community For
Cross-posting for those only following the openstack list: please note that Jonathan Bryce posted the following answer to the foundation list (the Foundation archives seem to be a bit buggy):
To adapt Mark Twain, rumors of the death of the foundation are greatly exaggerated. = ) I hadn't actually heard that rumor yet and don't know where it would be coming from, so thanks for bringing it up so we can address.
First of all, the foundation is definitely not dead or indefinitely delayed. Sorry for not communicating the status better on the list. There's been a lot of response, and we've been trying to coordinate input from a number of sources. We've also been researching the technical details of what we need to make it happen. At the same time we have not had enough resources to dedicate to it up to this point. To correct that, we've got some additional people, including Mark Collier whom many of you know, working on it as of the beginning of this year to make the foundation happen.
We also realized we needed to take the initial round of feedback and produce something for people to respond to, tear apart, cheer for, make better. We've tried to take the the feedback from a variety of forums--the session at the design summit, the initial burst of discussion on the list, the input from of in-person meetings and people who have reached out to us directly--and formulate a set of documents to guide the discussion. The first two are a draft mission document for the foundation and a draft of the foundation's organization structure. The mission document is very close to being ready to publish. We will be posting it on the wiki in the next few days. The structure document is still going through revisions but will follow shortly. Following the structure document, we'll get into the process of drafting the actual legal documents for the foundation. We will be linking all of these off the Governance section of the wiki and publishing them for feedback on the list a
s well as reaching back out to the other community members we've talked to.
So what can you do? Once the documents are posted, we really want feedback from everyone on them. As they're posted and we get feedback, we'll refine them and post final versions on the website. In the meantime, also continue to discuss whatever points you feel are important on the mailing list. We're reading everything and incorporating what's talked about.
And anyone can always reach out to me or Mark directly if you have questions or comments. Thanks,
As a community member (and PPB elected member), I'm happy to get some report of progress towards the setting up of the Foundation, and I'm awaiting the initial posting of the documents so that we can start giving constructive feedback. Jan: To be clear, the "transitional leaders" owning the transition process are not the PPB members -- the governance of OpenStack is still owned solely by Rackspace. As Jonathan says, the first draft of the documents are prepared by him and Mark Collier. Regards, -- Thierry Carrez (ttx) Release Manager, OpenStack