On 10/11/2012 at 04:03 PM, Tristan Goode <tristan@aptira.com> wrote: Jim,
From: Jim Curry [mailto:jim.curry@rackspace.com] .. Tristan,
The email was an unfortunate mistake by our marketing team. It does not represent the official branding or positioning of our offer. We aren't perfect, and for any confusion that created I apologize.
The limited viewing audience of the Foundation mailing list and the Board mailing list doesn't let the actual recipients of the mail out know that this was a mistake. Could I please request that all the original recipients of the email be advised.
Cheers Tristan
While there are many details that have come up during this current email thread, I feel that it is important to remind everyone that the OpenStack Foundation has a trademark policy[1] and procedure[1]. The policy sets out the rules for proper use of the OpenStack marks in word and logo form. The procedure is in place to govern and enforce the rules for those marks. The objective of the policy is to ensure that the OpenStack marks remain reliable indicators of source and quality and that they are protected from inappropriate and unauthorized use. The policy goes through great detail to demonstrate what is and isn't authorized and/or proper use of the marks. The policy also spells out what a person should do if a person has questions or wishes to report misuse of the OpenStack marks. "If you wish to obtain our permission for any uses above or for any other use which is not specifically addressed in this Trademark Policy or you became aware of unauthorized use of the OpenStack Marks, please contact us by email at logo@openstack.org..."[1] Please use this as the mechanism to report uses of the marks which you feel are in question. Through this mechanism the proper people will be informed up front and will then be able to judiciously investigate the questioned use and subsequent actions. Using such mechanisms ensure the proper enforcement of our marks while allowing the community to productively focus on and/or evolve the standing trademark policy and procedures while avoiding community strife and ill will through an onslaught of opinions towards any one person(s) or companies. regards, AlanClark [1] http://www.openstack.org/brand/openstack-trademark-policy/