On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Stefano Maffulli <stefano@openstack.org> wrote:
On Wed, 2012-03-14 at 15:15 -0400, Jim Jagielski wrote:
Foundations should exist to service the code and the committer/developer.
I think you're forgetting to put users in the pictures, both existing ones and the ones that should/could become users. Code and developers developing in vacuum don't go anywhere. Some would argue that putting users immediately in the picture was one of the reasons of OpenStack success.
Yeah, I admit I'm biased. But I'd hate to see OpenStack make a mistake. One of the best things it did was to get out from underneath the shackles of RackSpace,
What do you see that Rackspace does that qualifies as 'shackles'? Lets be specific here because if something needs to be fixing it's better to identify it now and propose solutions.
Not does, but *did*. A true open source community cannot survive if its not on a level field; any entity "more equal than others" has an undue advantage. And even if they don't take advantage of it, what happens when they get bought out by someone? That entity may have no compunction about using their leveraged position to force things in whatever direction they want. One does not have to look far to find examples in various FOSS spaces where this has occurred... and when the open source projects become prime revenue sources, the incentive to use that advantage becomes greater and greater, and the ability of the "less equals" to buck that grows weaker and weaker. It's not commoditization of open source that creates problems, but rather the unfair, unbalanced commoditization thereof.