Hi Team - This week Amy Marrich will lead our meeting - Thanks Amy! We will meet: Thursday 8/20/15 at 17:00 UTC IRC Channelː #openstack-diversity Etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OpenStackDiversity.7 Agenda is: · Roll Call · Women of OpenStack Update o Call to action: If you’re interested in joining this effort, pls join the WOO mail list · Update from APAC call o Roland Chan and Kavit will lead Geo Diversity effort o Who is interested in working with them on this? o Attendance is low in APAC call - Pls help increase the participation · Data Analysis Team o We need a leader for this activity and a core team to help o Focus is to determine what data we have and what data we need for Phase 1 thru 3 · Community Survey Team o We need a leader for this activity and a core team to help o Goal is to create a survey to gather data from the Community to close the gaps per above team; and to find out if there are other categories of diversity the community believes we should add to our plans Thanks Carol