On 2013-02-08 11:37:28 -0800 (-0800), Lloyd Dewolf wrote: [...]
That is almost a 30% drop in participation. This would be a real call to action if everyone didn't already know the reality of the pool. I suspect that if the affiliations where examined we would see a disproportionate drop off in the affiliations where senior leadership of those organizations did not make the same well-meaning encouragement for participation this time around. And, of course, because of the 6+ month membership requirement, there was no ability to swell the ranks of the electorate before the election. [...]
I was one of those who voted in the first election but was ineligible to cast a vote in the second due to timing. Given that there was a major call for participation within the OpenStack community immediately prior to the first round with the recent formation of the Foundation (coincident to when I joined), I wouldn't be surprised if this had a bigger impact on turn out than anyone realizes. I would have voted in the most recent election if my membership hadn't been just shy of the 6-month mark, and am honestly a little disappointed I was unable to participate. -- Jeremy Stanley