On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Mark McLoughlin <markmc@redhat.com> wrote:
On Sun, 2014-06-22 at 22:19 -0700, Joe Gordon wrote:
Hi all,
In trying to wrap my head around DefCore, I read the DefCore committe's mission as documented on the committee's wiki page[0]. The mission is to "define 'OpenStack Core' as chartered by the by-laws and guided by Governance/CoreDefinition.' While the bylaws don't have any reference to "OpenStack Core" they do define a term called "Core OpenStack Project"[1]. Is this what the DefCore Comittee is refering to when talking about "OpenStack Core?"
Yes, it is. The crucial bit is:
"The Core OpenStack Project means the software modules which are part of an integrated release and for which an OpenStack trademark may be used. The other modules which are part of the OpenStack Project, but not the Core OpenStack Project may not be identified using the OpenStack trademark except when distributed with the Core OpenStack Project."
The aspect of this I think everyone is agreed on is that "The Core OpenStack Project" is a subset of the integrated release. And that "The Core OpenStack Project" has something to do with the OpenStack trademark.
There are two interpretations of this AFAICT:
1) Only the core modules can be called OpenStack Foo and OpenStack Bar
2) Only the core modules can be required in some way for commercial products which license the OpenStack trademark in some way
Isn't legalese fun. I have a third interpretation that combined those two. Only the core modules can be called OpenStack Foo and OpenStack Bar (as long as the usage is in line with the Trademark Policy), and how the trademarks are licensed is subject to the Trademark Policy. The Trademark Policy cannot define a trademark that only requires something outside of the Core OpenStack Project. For example the Trademark Policy clearly states what is required to use the "Powered by OpenStack™" trademark. So the issue of licensing the trademark for commercial products is purview of only the Trademark Policy. Any requirements of running or passing specific tests would fit under the Trademark Policy.
The DefCore effort is about clarifying (2) "by defining 1) capabilities, 2) code and 3) must-pass tests for all OpenStack products. This definition [..] drives interoperability by creating the minimum standards for products labeled "OpenStack."
Based on my interpretation above, this goal would not apply to defining core, but about amending the Trademark Policy, as the bylaws describe when talking about how the Board of Directors may amend the the Trademark Policy without doing a general vote as long as the amendment is made prior to January 31, 2013. "amend the Trademark Policy prior to January 31, 2013 to establish testing and certification requirements for the use of the trademarks owned by the Foundation in connection with the use of the Core OpenStack Project."
If so, the bylaws already clearly state the process to change what software modules make up the "Core OpenStack Project." The Technical Committee(TC) proposes a change to what is in the "Core OpenStack Project" and the Board of Directors has the sole authrity to approve or reject the TC's recommendation [2].
Under interpretation (1) above, that means the TC can ask the board for e.g. Heat to be called OpenStack Orchestration:
To the best of my knowledge the Board of Directors has not approved this resolution. I have not been able to find any evidence of a vote on this.
Under interpretation (2) above, the TC would be recommending that Heat should in some way be required for OpenStack products.
The current list of The current list of modules in "Core OpenStack Project" are "Block Storage, Compute, Dashboard, Identity Service, Image Service, Networking, and Object Storage modules." But the Trademark Policy says "The Powered by OpenStack' Logo, shown immediately below, may be used by individuals, organizations, and companies that use formally released OpenStack Compute (Nova) code in their application or product." And never says an OpenStack product must run all the modules in "Core OpenStack Project." In fact it never uses the word 'Core.' which makes me thing interpretation (2) is not entirely correct.
This mismatch between DefCore's mission and the bylaws has already been identified by the DefCore committee itself [3]. So if the current mission statement doesn't align with the bylaws then what is the DefCore committe's current mission statement?
It's part of the DefCore committee's mission to help get the bylaws confusion clarified AIUI.
AFAICT the assumption is that the language should be clarified such that interpretation (2) is clear.
The 'Core Definition' document[5] mentions DefCore will help "determine how commercial implementations of OpenStack can be granted use of the trademark," and the committee "may suggest changes to the by-laws to clarify the definition of core." So presumably DefCore is not about defining "Core OpenStack Project," but rather about revising the trademark policy as defined in Appendix 8 of the bylaws [6].
It's about changing how "Core OpenStack Project" is defined such that it is no longer "a set of modules which is a subset of the integrated release" but instead "a set of API tests and required sections of code".
That involves both coming up with the process for managing that (in that it wouldn't begin simply with the TC nominating some modules for Core) and proposing the bylaws changes to reflect the process.
That raises the question of what happens if DefCore-recommended bylaws changes can't be passed. What interpretation of the current bylaws allows the commercial trademark requirements process to evolve in this way?
The bylaws seem pretty clear about this, the commercial trademark requirements cannot evolve without a large vote " In addition to the vote of the Board of Directors as provided in Section 9.1, the amendment of the following Sections requires an affirmative vote of (i) two-thirds of the Gold Members, (ii) two-thirds of the Platinum Members, and (iii) a majority of the Individual Members voting (but only if at least 25% of the Individual Members vote at an annual or special meeting): Article II (not including the Appendices referenced in Article II), Sections 4.1, 4.2(a), 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.13, 4.17, 4.20, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 " 7.3 is the Trademark Policy
This interpretation alligns with the special clause on ammendments in the bylaws "the Board of Directors may by majority vote, amend the Trademark Policy prior to January 31, 2013 to establish testing and certification requirements for the use of the trademarks owned by the Foundation in connection with the use of the Core OpenStack Project."[7] What is the progress on drafting a revision to the trademark policy? Is there a preliminary draft on the proposed change? Seeing this would help me wrap my better understand DefCore.
Good question, I don't know if the Foundation is working on drafting a new trademark policy.
AIUI the Foundation staff is responsible for the details of the trademark policy and it has changed somewhat since the bylaws were drafted. I think it was only included in the bylaws for informational purposes and doesn't require a vote of the Individual Members. Then again, section 9.2(a) suggests voting is required to change any of the appendices.
Thanks, Mark.
[0] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/DefCoreCommittee [1] http://www.openstack.org/legal/bylaws-of-the-openstack-foundation/ Sections 4.1.b [2] http://www.openstack.org/legal/bylaws-of-the-openstack-foundation/ Sections 4.13.b [3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreBylawsIPE [5] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/CoreDefinition [6] http://www.openstack.org/brand/openstack-trademark-policy/ [7] http://www.openstack.org/legal/bylaws-of-the-openstack-foundation/ Sections 9.2.d