Could we have a generic page which all the various references could post to which, initially, would contain Jonathan/Alison ? This would save having to update all the documents each time there is a change. Initial contents could be "If you believe that the OpenInfra Code of Conduct is being violated, you are being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the Foundation staff immediately via phone or email. The Foundation staff (“Staff”) who manage these issues have the following contact information: Jonathan Bryce, <>, cell # +1-210-317-2438 Allison Price, <>, cell # +1-214-686-6821” Tim
On 27 Oct 2021, at 20:26, Allison Randal <> wrote:
The code of conduct contact actually has already been updated on the website version of the bylaws:
It just didn't make it into the LibreOffice/Word format document. I ran 'wdiff' on the main bylaws text to catch any inconsistencies (and found, for example, that the website version didn't apply the bylaws changes for Vice Chairs late last year), but I didn't run it on the appendices, so I'll make sure to do that before we get to the board vote.
On 10/27/21 1:47 PM, Robert Cathey wrote:
Wow. Good catch. Guess it's awesome we've not had any since 2019. :-)
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 1:39 PM Mohammed Naser < <>> wrote:
It looks good, but as I was going through it, I noticed that it still listed Lauren Sell as a foundation contact for code of conduct reports. Perhaps we can slip in a replacement at the same time?
Thanks, MOhammed
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 1:32 PM Sean McGinnis < <>> wrote:
Thank you Allison, this looks great. Glad to see this moving forward.
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 12:16 PM Allison Randal
< <>> wrote:
Hi all,
In the March OIF board meeting, the Diversity & Inclusion working
proposed some minor changes to the bylaws to use more gender-neutral language. We've completed legal review on the changes, so we're ready for broader community review and feedback now, and then will plan for the OIF board to vote on the changes in the next board meeting in December.
I've attached a PDF with a redline markup of the changes, all comments are welcome. The changes are relatively simple:
a) "Chairman" changes to "Chair" throughout the document.
b) Consistently uses they/their as the gender-neutral 3rd person singular pronoun. This replaces all instances of he/his, and all cases where we previously had incomplete gender neutrality with "his or hers", "he or she", and other variations that explicitly listed two genders.
While this use of they/their as 3rd person singular isn't universal, it is very common in modern usage. And, the bylaws already have an explicit statement that any pronouns should be read as singular/plural as needed: "6.7 _Pronouns._ All pronouns used in these Bylaws shall be deemed to refer to the masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the person or persons may require."
The updates change a few words in protected sections of the bylaws, so after the board vote, we'll need independent votes from the OpenStack Technical Committee and Platinum Members, and will include these changes in the annual Gold Member and Individual Member votes (for Gold and Individual Directors). So, it'll probably be mid- to late-January before the changes are fully reviewed and approved.
Thanks, Allison _______________________________________________ Foundation-board mailing list <> <>
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