11 Aug
11 Aug
12:57 a.m.
I’ve used this Google folder to post other info for the team. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxtM4AiszlEyflowbm82OG9JSlZXSFRxWEE5d3dpTjhxLUtucV9pb3pOWlNkRU9CUDM2aUE&usp=sharing From: APlimpton [mailto:aplimpton@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 12:19 PM To: Foundation@lists.openstack.org Subject: [OpenStack Foundation] [Diversity] Google Docs for Diversity Team? Hi, I've seen some links go to Google docs - do we have a folder that the Diversity team and all the committees should be using to collaborate in? Thanks, Amanda