Hi everyone,

Thank you for sponsoring the OpenStack Summit Berlin! Below you will find the attendee demographics from the Berlin Summit 2018. 

If you have any feedback that you would like to give, please fill out the Summit feedback survey here: bit.ly/BerlinSummitSurvey

Also, sponsorship sales for the upcoming Summit in Denver will open on December 12 at 11:00am CST. You can review the prospectus on the Summit website.  

Let me know if you have any questions.


Kendall Waters
OpenStack Marketing & Events

Berlin Summit Registration Metrics
2,700 - Overall Summit Registration 
49 -  Press & Analysts registered
50 -  Sponsoring companies
63  -  Countries represented by attendees
667 -  Companies represented by attendees
48%  - % of people attending a Summit for 1st time

Attendees by Region:
67%  -  Europe
18%  -  USA / Canada / Mexico
12%  -  APAC 
2%    -  Middle East / Africa
1%    -  Latin America

Attendees by Organizational Role:
19%  - Cloud Architect 
18%  - Operations/System Admin
12%  - Other
9%  - Business Development/Marketing 
8%  - CIO/CTO/IT Manager
8%  - Upstream Development
5%  - Cloud Application Developer
5%  - Product Management
4%  - CEO/Executive Leadership
4%  - OpenStack User
3%  - Product Strategy
3%  - Media 

Top countries w/ the most attendees, descending order:
1) Germany
2) USA
3) France
4) UK
5) China
6) Poland
7) Sweden
8) Japan
9) Switzerland
10) Spain