The bylaws limit a corporation to two seats.  Limiting to one seat would rule out individual membership for a large number of individuals if their corporation already had a gold or platinum seat.  I'm not certain that is a solution.

In this regard, the right thing happened in that certain elected individuals did not obtain a third seat on the board for their corporation.  No corporation is going to dominate the Foundation board of 24 directors with 2 seats.

There is room for improvement, but it's very clear to me, at least, that we have changed from a single owner (Rackspace) to a much more diverse leadership at all levels that is much more representative of the overall OpenStack contributor and user base.

And I would like to point out that as far as Dell goes, while they might have a lower number of active code contributors, they are a very active ecosystem partner to OpenStack (e.g. Crowbar + chef recipes) and also a very active deployer of  OpenStack-based systems.  Right now the primary measure of involvement for individuals is about counting lines of code and I'm not certain that is the only measure.  Users of the system, deployers/SIs, and other non-developers need to be represented as much as, or possibly more than, code contributors.



Co-Founder & CTO, Cloudscaling
+1 (415) 787-2253 [78-SCALE for SMS or voice] 

On Oct 3, 2012, at 9:38 AM, Christopher B Ferris <> wrote:

The other thing that we need to address is the carrot of the prospect for a Platinum or Gold  member to have TWO
board seats. This should never have been permitted, as it simply begs to be exploited. Maybe the solution is to 
limit any VOTING on the board such that only one vote per affiliated member be permitted.