On Monday, February 20, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Anne Gentle wrote:
Hi Thierry -If the stated goal is efficiency, is that in running the meetings orin gathering consensus? Or perhaps you mean efficiency in setting upthe organization itself?As a potential member of the TC based on the criteria for both the PTLbeing on the C and the projects that have TLs, I'd like some time tohear more about the stated efficiency gains before evaluating yourproposal further.Thanks,AnneOn Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Thierry Carrez <thierry@openstack.org> wrote:Hi everyone,The current structure document is quite open on the Technical committeeorganization. Here are my proposals to keep it efficient... Please comment.= Technical committee === Mission ==The Technical Committee (TC) is tasked with providing the technicalleadership for the OpenStack project. It enforces OpenStack coreprojects ideals (Openness, Transparency, Commonality, Integration,Respect of release deadlines, Facilitation of downstream distribution[0]), decides on issues affecting multiple projects, and generally formsan ultimate appeals board for technical decisions.== Members ==The TC is composed of 9 elected members. You can cumulate other roles(Project technical lead, Foundation board member...) with a TC seat.Note that Project technical leads do not get appointed seats to the TC:they should run for election[1].== Meeting ==TC meetings happen publicly, weekly on IRC. The TC maintains an openagenda on the wiki. A TC meeting is called if anything is posted to thatwiki at least one day before the meeting time. For a meeting to beactually held, at least two thirds of the members need to be present (6people). Non-members, in particular unelected PTLs or release manager,are more than welcome to participate to the meeting and voice theiropinion, though they can't ultimately vote.== Motions ==Before being put to a vote, motions presented before the TC should bediscussed publicly on the mailing-list[2] for a minimum of 5 days togive a chance to the wider community to express their opinion. Memberscan vote positively, negatively, or abstain. Decisions need morepositive votes than negative votes, and a minimum of 3 positive votes.== Election ==The TC is renewed every 6 months using staggered elections: 5 seats arerenewed every 6 months. People ranking 1st to 4th get elected for aone-year term. The 5th person gets elected for a 6-month term. Peopleranking after 6th are retained as potential substitute members (see"Revocation").== Voters ==Technical members of the Foundation, as determined by the Technicalmembership committee[3], are able to participate in this election.== Revocation ==TC members are expected to be available and participate to weeklymeetings. If a particular TC member misses 3 of the last 5 calledmeetings, he should automatically be revoked. He would be replaced bythe top substitute (person ranking 6th and after in previous election).Even when replacing someone elected for 1 year, the substitute inheritsfrom the shortest term; the highest ranking elected person inherits fromthe potential longer term[4].== Initial election ==To initially populate the TC, all 9 seats are up for election. Peopleranking 1st to 4th get elected for one year. People ranking 5th to 9thget elected for 6 months[5].[1] The idea is that we want to de-correlate the number of PTLs (and therelative importance of their projects) from the TC composition, toreduce committee bloat and be more fair. Influential PTLs from largeprojects should get elected anyway.[2] Could be the openstack ML or a specific TC ML. The idea is to avoidsurprising the community with a decision, and avoid the usual kabbalecritics.[3] More on this later.[4] Example: Fx got elected in Fall 2012, while Sx got elected in Spring2013. Current board as F1, F2, F3, F4, S5 elected until Fall 2013, andS1, S2, S3, S4 elected until Spring 2014. S2 is a slacker is is revoked.S6 is called as a substitute. He should not get a longer term than S5though. So S5 inherits from the 1-year-long term and S6 from the6-month-long term. Resulting board is: F1, F2, F3, F4, S6 elected untilFall 2013, and S1, S3, S4, S5 elected until Spring 2014.[5] We may want to re-align elections with release cycles. Example: IfTC is created in July 2012, we may want to align elections with the nextdesign summits, so the first term only be 2 months or 8 months.--Thierry Carrez (ttx)Release Manager, OpenStack_______________________________________________Foundation mailing list_______________________________________________Foundation mailing list