Yes that is the existing program with requirements regarding running code. A couple of things to note:
1) It includes by reference the "Restricted Use Logo Guidelines" (see: ) which includes a requirement that clouds pass a FITS test approved by the TC. So this is already in the existing agreements. All that is needed is for the tests to be written and TC approved. No new legal language is required AFAIK.
"As of January 1st, 2012, your product must pass any Faithful Implementation Test Suite (FITS) defined by the Technical Committee that will be made available on , to verify that you are implementing a sufficiently current and complete version of the software (and exposing associated APIs) to ensure compatibility and interoperability. Your product will be required to pass the current FITS test on an annual basis, which will generally require you to be running either of the latest two software releases."
2) Eligibility for the the current program requires companies to be either a Start Up sponsor, an established company Sponsor, Gold Member, or Platinum Member. (The sponsor categories were omitted from your list). This requirement could certainly be debated, but it does help when approaching the problem via legal agreements (as opposed to software tests) if there is a relationship with the companies in question. It also helps fund the defense of the trademark which the company is looking to leverage in their commercial offering.
So I would say that we actually have the framework we need. As Monty pointed out, the "using code" is not something we necessarily need to devise technical tests for. It is a term in an agreement which, while not perfect, is a reasonable path for achieviing this particular goal IMHO. That it exists in the current agreements is even better.