Board & Stff,
I’ve seen (and heard) a lot about this; however, I’m not clear about the follow-up?
Are we calling a special board meeting (I’d support that) to discuss or is the Foundation crafting a response?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua McKenty []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 9:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: [OpenStack Foundation] Today's WSJ article
> Board members et al,
> As usual, I am not a lawyer. However, given the overtones of antitrust
> concern in this article, if other board members and/or foundation
> staff feel that we should discuss this, I would ask that we schedule a quick board-coffee-meeting.
> We need to avoid any walking quorums, and we also need to instruct
> Jonathan and foundation staff with a clear response. This is not a
> topic where I feel it would be appropriate for Alan to represent the board.
> Joshua
> Sent from my iPhone
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