I received the email message below from IdeaScale and wanted to confirm it was from the foundation. I searched the mailing lists, but have not been able to find a related thread.

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: openstack <noreply@ideascale.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 9:14 AM
Subject: Please verify your account
To: lloyd@pistoncloud.com

Please verify your account


You've been invited to be a part of openstack. We'd like to ask you to pay a visit to submit and vote on ideas. Help us determine what is most important to you and the larger community.

To protect your email address we require that you confirm your email address by clicking the link below:

(You will be asked to set your password after verification.)

Yes, this is my email!


The IdeaScale Team

For more information please email : support@ideascale.com
