The Diversity WG is actively working on many things, including moving forward with our Data Diversity Plan that includes analyzing what, where and how we’re currently collecting this information, determining where to store this information, defining how to
enable the core team to analyze and report on this data, so on and so forth.
I support the stance the Foundation has taken in the past, which was to provide an open text field (and/or option to select “prefer not to say”) that enables a community member to, if they so choose, share their identity. While we’re trying to better understand
the makeup of our community we cannot limit the options they can choose from or ask what will likely be perceived as personal questions (do you identify as a gender minority). We can either choose to use an open text field / prefer not to say approach or
take the hybrid approach that Facebook has taken where they list 50+ identities but still have an open text field. I suggest we stick with what the Foundation has been doing, as this will enable our community members to decide if they want to share their
sexual identity and they’re not boxed into choosing X, Y, or Z.