On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Tristan Goode <tristan@aptira.com> wrote:


Leaving Rackspace’s actions aside, I made a suggestion for a certification process for training materials and deliverables that they be offered to a community sourced committee for review and approval. If this proposal is accepted then I would ask Rackspace that they offer up their course materials for this review, and that this might form a baseline for establishing the certification benchmark.

I'm interested in collaborating on OpenStack course work.

We've done training for our customers on Piston Enterprise OpenStack, and the European participants particularly have wanted certification. I've been eager to work on this for many months. I've just waiting for the Foundation to get it's legs under it.

Near the start of my career I found the lpi.org first course and test helped boost my Linux skill set. The experience encouraged me to play a small role in the IBM team developing a version of the certification testing for IBM DB2 back in the day.

I'd like to contribute to developing common OpenStack syllabi.

Thank you,