That's a great point. 

On Mar 27, 2015, at 6:53 PM, Jaesuk Ahn <> wrote:


I am not a board member, but has an opinion on this.

The questionnaires looks more like performance evaluation question, not non-technical survey question. Although it might be useful to know how people think of activities of the board, IMHO, any kind of performance evaluation should be carefully treated to avoid  any unnecessary confusion. In other word, before we discuss whether we put these questions on public, we should discuss what area we need to increase more feedback. There are already several committees, working groups to actively gather members' feedback. To know what area is missing is the first thing to discuss. Once everyone agrees we need more feeeback from members on Board's activity, then we start discuss how we do that.

IMHO, asking people with scale on something's performance is careful thing to do, because it becomes "score", not an opinion. Since this is not a question everyone must participate, there might be some situation most people does not answer since they have less opinon, but only certain people with negative opinion participates. Then, we gets very low score on the performance evaluation without majority participation. IMHO, that is one of the reason to more carefully make these kind of questions with clear puopose of what we want to get out of these questions.

Thank you hearing me. :)


Jaesuk Ahn, Ph.D.

On 2015년 3월 28일 (토) 04:50 Alan Clark <> wrote:
Added to the agenda.


> (Putting this out to the Foundation list also for wider input)
> Can I please propose a quick board discussion around improving the
> feedback to the organisation, perhaps very easily by adding some feedback
> questions to the user survey? Presently there is only one non-technical
> question in the survey about what folks hope to see as priorities or
> something like that. I'd be hoping to see questions like...
> 1: The goals for the OpenStack board in 2014 were X, Y and Z. On a scale
> of 1 to 10 where 1 is least satisfied and 10 is most satisfied, how
> satisfied were you that the board met goal X in 2014?  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
> 8  9  10
> 2: How satisfied were you that the board met goal Y in 2014? 1  2  3  4  5
> 6  7  8  9  10
> 3: How satisfied were you that the board met goal Z in 2014? 1  2  3  4  5
> 6  7  8  9  10
> ...and so on for TC performance, interactions with Foundation staff, and
> so on.
> From what I can tell, we have a way to go to improving feedback to the
> Foundation on governance, organisation and overall management presently
> and this is a pretty standard mechanism used by organisations worldwide.
> I'd welcome feedback from anyone in this area. It may be that the user
> survey isn't the best place to add this, but I feel like there is
> definitely room for discussion here.
> Cheers
> Tristan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Clark []
> Sent: Thursday, 26 March 2015 9:53 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Foundation Board] April 2 OpenStack Board meeting call for
> agenda items; Board packet materials due by Monday March 30th.
> The next OpenStack board meeting will be held on April 2nd at 12noon - 2pm
> pacific.
> Committee Chairs and Directors please send me items you would like on the
> agenda.  I need the materials for the board packet by EOB Monday March
> 30th so that I may post and distribute the materials to the board prior to
> the meeting. (Please tell me if materials need to be marked confidential.)
> I've started drafting the agenda[1].  Expecting topics from several
> committees, it's going to be a very full agenda. We will also be holding
> an Executive Session during the meeting.
> Thanks,
> AlanClark
> [1]
> #Agenda
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