mobile: 415-531-6674Hi Rob,Yep, SF wins. I setup an event page on our SFBay OpenStack meetup page. Let me know if you'd like me to change or add anything. I will send the announcement to the meetup group this evening and will try to finalize the venue with John Mark by then.
If you want to setup a breakfast or lunch on the peninsula w/ Alan Clark etc., let me know and I'll set that up too!
Dave Nielsen
Co-organizer: SFBay OpenStack
Co-founder: CloudCampHP Public Cloud | Developer Relations (consultant)
On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 7:54 AM, <> wrote:
It looks like SF is winning for Tuesday evening and piggy backing on the Gluster meeting makes sense to me.
Since our goal is to open this up as much as possible, I’d consider a mid-bay “core breakfast” on Wednesday AM. Is that too much core? It’s hard for me to know anymore.
From: Sean Roberts []
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 5:50 PM
To: Hirschfeld, Rob
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Subject: Re: [Foundation Board] Spider / What is Core Discussion opportunity: SJC or SFO 8/27 evening
I'm available as well. Mid or south bay as preference, but I could make SF.
On Aug 12, 2013, at 12:24 PM, wrote:
I’m going to be in the Bay Area and available in the evening on 8/27. Is anyone interested in having a face-to-face meeting about core that night?
I’ve got a meeting downtown in San Fran until 5, so I’m happy to meet there or take the train south for a 6:30 meeting.
If there’s interest, will someone local take a lead in getting a location? I think it’s reasonable to setup a hangout for remote people too.
Rob Hirschfeld
Sr. Distinguished Cloud Solution Architect
Dell | Cloud Edge, Data Center Solutions
blog, twitter @zehicle
Please note, I am based in the CENTRAL (-6) time zone
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