On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Tim Bell <Tim.Bell@cern.ch> wrote:


A reference implementation is good but, as I have explained to Rob, there is a need to allow a cloud which has chosen to implement an alternative to still be defined as ‘OpenStack API compliant’.

Of course. A reference implementation doesn't preclude other compliant implementations at all.


A typical example would be if ceph was chosen as an object store rather than swift. From the outside, they’d look the same but it is an implementation choice.




From: Jim Jagielski [mailto:jimjag@gmail.com]
Sent: 31 October 2013 15:12
To: Thierry Carrez
Cc: foundation@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [OpenStack Foundation] OpenStack core and interoperability


In some ways, at least to me, the main end-goal is having OpenStack be a standard and reference implementation, which allows for others to extend and build upon. The web succeeded because the standard (HTTP) was agreed upon by all, and a free and open reference implementation,  which was developed and governed by a neutral community, (Apache httpd) was available.


On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 5:06 AM, Thierry Carrez <thierry@openstack.org> wrote:

Mark McLoughlin posted a very interesting view at:

I agree with him. "Core" is not a goal, it's just a means to an end. A
"market of interoperable OpenStack clouds" is the goal. By focusing on
the means rather than the end goal, we face the risk of missing the target.

If you focus on the end goal, you realize there is a choice between two
approaches: the common denominator approach (aim for a small set to make
sure most current "OpenStack clouds" will stay "OpenStack clouds"), and
the prescriptive approach (define what would make a "complete" OpenStack
cloud, and use the power of the trademark to encourage everyone to
converge towards that). There is no way around that choice and we should
have the courage to tackle it early rather than late.

I like Rob's approach to the problem because it tries to be neutral and
technical, however I'm concerned that it defers the hard (and political)
choice between those approaches, concentrates on the mechanics and hopes
that those will somehow tell us where the finish line is.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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