Hi Konrad,

Just show up to the meetings, send emails or whatever you want. A diversity group with entry criteria would be counterproductive.

Please speak your mind.


On 19 May 2016 4:48 pm, "Djimeli Konrad" <djkonro35@gmail.com> wrote:

My name is Djimeli Konrad a computer science student from the University of Buea Cameroon, Africa. I just started contributing  to OpenStack but  I have been contributing to open-source ever since my GSoC 2015 participation with BRL-CAD, and I have also worked on  some open-source projects on github (http://github.com/djkonro) and sourceforge (https://sourceforge.net/u/konrado/profile/). I am very passionate about cloud development, distributed systems, virtualization, thus my interest in  contributing to OpenStack. I am also a Google Developer Group Buea  organizer, with some community experience.

I would like to know what it takes to become part of the OpenStack Diversity Work Group and also to attend the work group team meetings. Are they open to new member or is it restricted ?.
