+1. I got very positive feedback for the event when I asked around.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Clark [mailto:aclark@suse.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 11:11 AM
> To: Heather Morelli; jacki@FNTECH.com; Claire Massey; Jonathan Bryce;
> Lauren Sell
> Cc: foundation@lists.openstack.org
> Subject: [OpenStack Foundation] Thank you for your hard work in making
> the Summit successful
> Jonathan,
> I wanted to thank you and your team for organizing the Summit. Great,
> successful job! Amazing growth since the last event. Accommodating
> 4,700 people is no easy task.
> Also a specific thank you to Lauren, Claire, Heather and Jacki for
> handling the logistics and room setup for the Board meeting, the Joint
> TC/Board meeting, the Gold member meeting and the breakfast with the
> board. Everything worked out great contributing to the success of our meetings, particularly the phone, food.
> You guys are spoiling us ;-)
> regards,
> AlanClark
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> Foundation mailing list
> Foundation@lists.openstack.org
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