Dear Board, 
The OpenStack User Survey is happening now, and we need your help to ensure as many OpenStack community members as possible answer it. Our goal is to exceed the 350 deployments described in the last User Survey, as well as surpassing the 1315 OpenStack community members who answered the survey in the last cycle.

That's why I'm asking for your help to reach out to your colleagues and customers to ensure we have the broadest possible representation on the User Survey. If your organization participated in the last survey, there's no need to start from scratch. Simply log back in with your user credentials to update your Deployment Profile.

Even if you're not entering a deployment, your insights are incredibly valuable. In 5 minutes, you can answer 3 key questions—what you like, what we can do differently (and better), and how likely you are to recommend OpenStack—plus some basic demographic info about you and your organization. The information provided is confidential and will only be presented in aggregate. Start the survey now:

The deadline to fill out the survey is Wednesday, February 24 at 23:59 UTC. We'll be sharing the results at the OpenStack Summit [], April 25-29 in Austin.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about the survey. Thanks in advance for your help!
Heidi Joy

Heidi Joy Tretheway
Senior Marketing Manager, OpenStack Foundation
503 816 9769  |  skype: heidi.tretheway