Board Members,
I wanted to let you know that it has been great working directly with such a dedicated group of people. I have been very proud to help OpenStack go from an idea for a new open community to the largest open community we have ever seen. Serving on the board since the beginning has been a great experience. I now have other responsibilities that are pressing me for more of my time and sadly will not be able to participate in the board. Brad Topol, who most of you probably know through the Interop Challenge work, will be taking my seat as the IBM Board of Directors appointee. Brad too has been with OpenStack for many years. I'm sure he will be an excellent replacement.
I've copied Brad, so you all have his email. Please welcome him.
Thank you all again. I won't be far away.
Todd M. Moore
Vice President IBM Open Technology
11501 Burnet Rd. MS 9035H014
Austin, TX , 78758. (512) 286-7643 (tie-line 363)