If you are planning to attend OSCON in Portland next week, please be sure to check out all of the OpenStack activities below. Make sure to join us Wednesday evening at Leftbank Annex, a short walk from the convention center, to celebrate five years of OpenStack. RSVP here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/5-years-of-openstack-tickets-17218973413
Monday, July 20th
OpenStack Foundation Sponsors OSCON 5K Glow Run and After Party
8:30pm – 11pm, Ankeny Plaza Pavilion
OpenStack is sponsoring this event and will have an OpenStack running team as well. Want to join us? You can register for free at the above link, but please note registration closes Sunday.
Tuesday, July 21st
Open Cloud Day
There will be several OpenStack, and of course, open cloud related
sessions during this annual event, including featured speaker Rainya Mosher, presenting
“Release engineering downstream of an OpenStack project” at 9:15
am. Bruno Morel will also talk about “Delivering hybrid bare-metal and virtual
infrastructure using Ironic and OpenStack” at Internap at 11:30 am. Here is the
link to the entire
schedule for the day: http://www.oscon.com/open-source-2015/public/content/open-cloud-day
OpenStack Community Supports Kubernetes
1.0 Launch
Foundation is sponsoring the launch event of Kubernetes 1.0. There will sessions and an expo during the
day, as well as an evening event. RSVPs are required to attend both. Click
on this link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kubernetes-10-launch-after-hours-party-tickets-16980424908
Wednesday, July 22rd
Featured OpenStack Session:
Wednesday Evening Event: 5 Years of OpenStack
party will be at the Leftbank Annex, 7:00-9:00pm, RSVP requested
part in celebrating 5 Years of OpenStack with the OpenStack community. We will
be serving appetizers, providing complimentary beverages and, of course,
handing out our commemorative T-Shirts to the first 300 people. Don’t
be late!
Thursday, July 23rd
Featured OpenStack Session and activity:
Management for Open Software Development
Jeremy Stanley, 10:40-11:20pm, D135/136
@Walmart Labs Tech Mixer
6-8pm, Spirit of 77
Bar and Lounge, RSVP required
Looking forward to seeing you in Portland at OSCON!
The OpenStack Foundation team