Alfredo,I've added the operators list but in Newton you should be able to use the OpenStack CLI for this as well. Checkout 'openstack server backup create --help' if you get an error again add --debug to the end to get some more information to troubleshoot.Thanks,Amy (spotz)On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 8:25 AM, Alfredo De Luca <> wrote:Hi all.We have OS Newton and I wonder if it's possible to perform instance snapshot either on WUI or CLI.I tried with glance image-create or nova backup.... but I got the followingERROR (BadRequest): The request is invalid. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-89154d7e-f0c5-4a2a-9bc9-b98c0c5e3182)Any clue/info?cheers--Alfredo
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