Hi All,

We are holding a small event in Beijing and were hoping somebody is interested to join :)

Any feedback greatly appreciated.

Openstackathon Beijing

Main target of the event: Having fun with other stackers hacking around and learning.

How we do this? By making it a game where stackers compete with each other in bug solving

The game is as follows: We will choose a bug for everybody in the hackaton to work on. Then everybody will try their best to solve the bug as soon as possible and as good as possible. After somebody fixes the bug, he has to scream that he fixed the bug. Then there will be 2 people reviewing if he fixed it correctly and if he did he will get a small price. We will keep on fixing bugs and maybe implementing small blueprints as long as people want to stay and enjoy it. People can also form small teams.

About prices: In the beginning there will be some small snacks as price. Still looking for sponsor. Contact openstackathonbj@gmail.com to be a sponsor.

How to register?

Just sent an email with your name to openstackathonbj@gmail.com

Maximum of 20 people for now

Of course it's free

Date: 24-11-2013

Place: 车库咖啡 Garage Cafe http://www.chekucafe.com/ 在中关村

地址: 海淀西大街48号图书城步行街内鑫鼎宾馆二层


12:00 - 12:30 Introduction and help with setup of devstack boxes

12:30 - 17:30 Bug fix PK

17:30 - 18:30 Food time (Looking for sponsor)

18:30 - 23:30 Stay as you like

Xiao Hanyu: http://github.com/xiaohanyu/
Sam Stoelinga: http://cn.linkedin.com/in/samstoelinga/
We are doing this for fun so don't expect too much! Hope you will enjoy it.