OpenStack Technical Committee Update: Project Reform Progress
Over the last few months, the Technical Committee has been discussing plans to dissolve the binary concept of the integrated release and adapt our projects structure to the future needs of collaborative development in the OpenStack community. A specification was written to describe the rationale for the reform and its goals. In the past weeks, the OpenStack Technical Committee approved a first set of changes, affecting how OpenStack upstream teams and projects developed by our community are organized.

Contributing to open cloud projects without losing your mind

If you’re interested in contributing to OPNFV, OpenDaylight or OpenStack, there are a few things to keep in mind to make the process easier.

Welcome to the wild west of networking and cloud infrastructure

It may look like the wild west now, but the future of open networking and cloud infrastructure is bright. That’s the main takeaway from a panel featuring speakers from Red Hat, Ericsson, Cumulus Networks and the OpenStack Foundation moderated by Neela Jacques at the Linux Collaboration Summit.

Nice APIs: Limits in OpenStack SDK

Brian Curtin has been working with a team on the OpenStack SDK, a project aimed at providing a great experience for Python developers who use OpenStack. He and his colleagues want to enable people to build great things on top of OpenStack and are looking for feedback.

The Road to Vancouver

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