Highlights of the week

Important CLA changes coming this weekend

Starting on February 24, 2013 all contributors MUST review and agree to the new OpenStack Individual Contributor License Agreement and provide updated contact information at https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/agreements. On that day the Gerrit interface will be changing to present the new CLA text referring to the OpenStack Foundation, and will prompt you to agree to it there. Any previous agreement with OpenStack LLC will be marked expired at that time. The text of the new agreement is available for your convenience (changes “LLC” to “Foundation”, restores a sentence from ASF and corrects a few typographical errors). You must also sign up for an OpenStack Foundation Individual Membership with the same E-mail address as used for your Gerrit contact information: http://openstack.org/register/.

OpenStack outpaces Amazon, at least by hype

A study conducted by TrendKite shows that at this point OpenStack has more media mentions than Amazon EC2, Eucalyptus, CloudStack and OpenNebula combined. If that is not enough, another chart from the same study appears to show that “OpenStack” media mentions are on par with that of “Cloud Computing.”

CloudEnvy: Development in the cloud!

Jake Dahn is working on a project called CloudEnvy which has potential to change the development patterns of web developers everywhere: it allows you to configure and distribute reproducible development environments in the cloud.

Bring on the Crazy: Zero to Book in Five Days

Anne Gentle is leading a “crazy” project: a large, highly focused documentation sprint to write that operator’s guide — for operators by operators. Anne promised to pluck operators out of their day jobs, put them in a room, fuel them with coffee, BBQ, and TexMex, and get to writing. Sounds awesome to me: I’m voting for their panel On Writing the OpenStack Operations Manual in 5 Days at the upcoming OpenStack Summit.

The OpenStack Gate

The OpenStack project has a really impressive continuous integration system, which is one of its core strengths as a project. Every proposed change to our gerrit review system is subjected to a battery of tests on each commit, which has grown dramatically with time, and after formal review by core contributors, we run them all again before the merge. How can this gate merge hundreds of changes per day? Learn about Zuul, the OpenStack gatekeeper.

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