HI Sean,
Regarding the involvement with blueprints, I guess we are looking for two things:

A. Registering blueprints from the discussion of features and ideas in the User Groups:
        Well, we may get a lot of ideas this way, some of which may be really good but I remember Keystone once had to clean out the bps for which they couldn't find any owners or takers. So in such cases it may not help.
B. Discussing existing bps in User Groups:
      This seems a really good idea to me. Ideas/doubts from such discussions may be posted in Launchpad or ML.


Deepak Garg,

Software Engineer,
Amazon Development Center India,

Github: https://github.com/gargdeepak
Skype-id: deepakgarg.iit

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:02 AM, Sean Roberts <seanrob@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
Hi there, fellow community members! We are rapidly coming up on the first milestone delivery of grizzy. How can we, the community at large, support the development efforts? A few of us have been thinking about just that. Here are the major points that we have come up with and we want to discuss amongst the community at large.
  1. A lot of information is coming out of the meetups and user group meetings. How do we gather and organize that stuff?
  2. How do the summit sessions, blueprints, summit ideas/proposals, and videos flow and interconnect?
  3. How can we increase the awareness and participation with blueprints?
Points 1 and 2, will take some community discussion and tool development. We have ideas, lets discuss!

Point 3, I think we can tackle now. I plan on taking the three lists below and linking them. If you fall under one of the lists below, I will be reaching out to you very soon and organizing the date and times that we can have blueprint meetings/meetups.
  • List of meetup and user group locations with their owners
  • List of accepted grizzy blueprints g2-3 with their owners
  • Available date and times for meetings/meetups
-- sean

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