Hi everyone,

This week’s OpenInfra Live episode is brought to you by the OpenInfra community. 

Episode: Tackling Sustainability with Eco-friendly, Green Hardware

Join us as we discuss how chipmakers, hardware vendors, and data center architects are all working in concert to solve this problem.  

Date and time: October 28th at 9am CT (1400 UTC)

Peter Pouliot (Ampere)
Laurent Bernou-Mazars (Exaion)
Zac Smith (Equinix) 
John Miranda (Intel)

You can watch us live on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Pf1B3vW30E
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6857452910423494657
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/104139126308032/posts/4454849267903641/
WeChat: recording will be posted on OpenStack WeChat after the live stream

Have an idea for a future episode? Share it now at ideas.openinfra.live

Register now for OpenInfra Live: Keynotes, a special edition of OpenInfra Live on November 17-18th starting at 1500 UTC: https://openinfralivekeynotes.eventbrite.com/ 


Erin Disney
Event Marketing 
Open Infrastructure Foundation